Shared Expectations is a process that provides an effective way to create or improve ongoing relationships between customers and suppliers. It is a well-defined process of development, follow up, communication, and improvement, guided by the systematic use of effective measures.  The Shared Expectations process can be initiated by either the internal/external supplier or customer in a relationship.  It is implemented through structured, facilitated sessions where both customers and suppliers:

  • Communicate their expectations of each other

  • Set priorities on their expectations

  • Score actual performance vs. expected for each expectation

  • Review gaps between expected & actual performance

  • Drive improvement by creating action plans & measures to track progress on closing the gaps

  • Agree on follow-up procedures to ensure continual improvement

JCG supports your organization in using the Shared Expectation methodology in four ways:

JCG can work with your organization to help set up this process, organize the teams, and facilitate your sessions to ensure success in record time.  

  • This can be helpful the first time an organization implements the process as it short-cuts the learning curve your own facilitators would go through.  
  • It is also of value when you send your teams to the training so they can facilitate their own sessions.  JCG's expert facilitators can co-facilitate a session with your own personnel who have attended the training.  This not only ensures your initiative gets off to a solid start, but provides a mentoring environment for your own facilitators as they learn the process.  

  • Sometimes, "powder-keg" situations with key external customers or suppliers are such that the objectivity of having an independent, 3rd-party facilitator conduct the session works best for both teams.


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