March - April, 2013 |
Volume 3, Number 2 |
In This Issue · Spring into Action with OpEx · Be a “Whys” Guy · What do Magicians Know that You Don’t? · Punctuation Trivia · Link of the Month · The Advantages of Being a B- Student JCG Services Contact Us
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Spring into Action with OpExSpring has arrived. I know that because I am typing this with one eye closed and the other barely able to open due to allergy season. Symptoms aside, this is a great time of year – a time of renewal and freshness. It’s a perfect time to freshen up your Operational Excellence efforts. Many organizations are great at starting new things, but not so great at “spring cleaning” their roster of projects. What things out there can you stop doing to free up bandwidth for some fresh efforts? What new things are most important to start – those one or two things you absolutely commit to knocking out of the park? Will you attempt to do several things with excellence or try doing dozens of things in a half-way manner? Are there any specific OpEx tools you’ve never tried but hope to check out this year? There is no time like the present to revisit and shake up your portfolio of projects. Enjoy your Spring and I’ll check back with you when it’s time to fire up our grills and check our progress.
Have an excellent month! Best,
Jeff Cole President JCG Management Consulting Be a “Whys” Guy
Invented and first used at Toyota, the technique involves asking “Why?” multiple times until you drill down past symptoms to the true root cause of an issue. There is no magic to the number five. You may ask “Why?” three times, eight times, or 13 times. Eventually you’ll come to a terminal point. A classic example lies in Shakespeare, who wrote “For want of a nail the kingdom was lost”.
If you keep asking “Why?” you’ll eventually reach an actionable root cause. You’ll know you have it when you turn the cause on and off and the problem goes away and comes back! For a short article on the technique, click here. What do Magicians Know that You Don’t?
Punctuation Trivia
They would type an apostrophe, then back space and type a period. Quite the effort. This year marks its 43rd anniversary of the exclamation point appearing on our keyboards! Link of the Month
There are many styles available that can be broadcast on the screen. Places like Trainer’s Warehouse sell CDs full of various timers. However, there are many Shareware versions out there as well, including Cool Timer, which has received high marks. Find one you like and use it today – you’ll be glad you did! The Advantages of Being a B- Student
How important is it to have some form of change management methodology to help in your rollout? After all – change books are like diet books – every author tells you to do something a little different that the other. As it turns out there is no one best change method to use, but it is pretty important to find one you like and use it. In a study by ProSci on change management methods, they found that simply moving from being “fair” to “good” at change management netted you a 30% increase in meeting objectives and another 30% increase in being on time. Moving from “good” to “excellent” improved even more but at a lower rate. The lesson learned? You don’t need to be an A+ student to get benefits from change management. Just being willing to select a method and experiment with it can lead to impressive gains! |
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