January - February, 2012 |
Volume 2, Number 1 |
In This Issue · Happy 2012 · The City of Irving, TX Shows How It’s Done · Revisiting a Classic · Higher Productivity Through Relaxation? · Link of the Month · Do You Own a Set of Booz Balls? JCG Services Contact Us
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Happy 2012!Twenty-Twelve should be an interesting year. Some indicators show the economy is slowly bouncing back which will hopefully bode well for many businesses. On the other hand, it’s been said the Mayan calendar indicates the end of the world on December 21st. I suppose that could have a negative effect on ones holiday shopping season… There are certain to be many fascinating highlights and lowlights this year as in any other. My wish for all the readers is that you have a healthy, happy, record breaking year and surpass all of your goals and expectations. It’s been a trying few years for many, and it’s time to get back to the good times. I hope 2012 is your year! Have an excellent month! Best,
Jeff Cole President JCG Management Consulting The City of Irving, TX Shows How It’s Done
According to Lynda, “Since implementing Lean Six Sigma, the City of Irving has eliminated waste, saving over 38,000 hours and $38M. Lean Thinking is embedded in our culture. During these tough economic times when many cities are cutting back their services, we are enhancing and improving service levels.”
Congratulations to the City of Irving on being a role model for excellence! Click here to view a fascinating video clip of how they applied lean techniques to one city process that saved 90 minutes per day per worker!
Revisiting a Classic
Higher Productivity Through Relaxation?
We’d like to find fast, effective ways to relax more in our stress-filled world, but how? Could the answer lie in something as simple as music? Definitely so according to Time magazine. It awarded one of its coveted 2011 Top 50 Inventions slots to what it calls the world’s most relaxing song. “Weightless” by British band Marconi Union is an 8 minute song proven to reduce anxiety by 65% and slow heart rates by 35% as a listener’s body rhythm synchronizes with the song’s. According to Time, the scientists studying this found it so effective they cautioned people to not listen to it while driving. At this writing, the song can be heard here. Turn off the phone, close your eyes and enjoy an 8-min relaxation break today! Link of the Month
We have not evaluated nor do we endorse any particular app you see here. Rather this list is to make you aware and possibly short-cut your time in searching for apps. · Project management phone apps Do You Own A Set of Booz Balls?
The basic set of Booz Balls can indicate five different statuses. For example: Empty ball (not started); One quarter full (25% complete); Half-full (50% complete); Three fourths full (75% complete); Full (Complete). You may have seen a similar set of icons in magazines such as Consumer Reports where they provide product comparison tables. Visit the Excellence Insights Download Center to download your own set of Booz Balls in Powerpoint and liven-up your presentations today! Alternately, there are Harvey Ball fonts to be found on the internet, and some applications in Microsoft Office allow you to insert pie-chart statuses. |
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