November - December, 2011 |
Volume 1, Number 9 |
In This Issue · Happy Holidays · Reginald the Red-Nosed Reindeer? · Will the Real Six Sigma Please Stand Up? · How Effective is Your Training? · Link of the Month · 2011 Baldrige Winners Announced JCG Services Contact Us
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Happy Holidays!As the year is winding down, allow me to wish all our readers a very happy and safe holiday season. I hope this year has been a great one for all of you and that next year is even better. Congratulations go out to Charles Brown of Rancho Cordova, CA for winning the Data Mystery contest drawing from the last issue! Entries from around the world came in with some very creative analysis. Kudos to all the data sleuths that took on the challenge! You can find the answer to the Poodle Industries problem here. Have an excellent month! Best,
Jeff Cole President JCG Management Consulting Reginald the Red-Nosed Reindeer?
The story of Rudolph was written by Montgomery Ward copywriter Robert May in 1939 and published as a give-away to children in their catalogs and stores. (For our younger readers – prior to the internet, catalog sales were a big business. Companies like Sears and others published phone-book sized catalogs that came to your home. Supposedly mailmen dreaded the day these were issued each year!) As May was writing the story, his original considerations for a name were Rollo or Reginald. Evidently Rollo was too cheerful and Reginald was too British, so Rudolph was born!
By 1946 Wards had printed and distributed over 6 million copies of Rudolph, when it was decided to publish a book. It “went viral” again in 1949 when singing cowboy Gene Autry recorded the classic song that went on to compete with “White Christmas” as a holiday staple. Happy 72nd birthday Rudolph!
Will the Real Six Sigma Please Stand Up?
How Effective is Your Training?
Unfortunately, that survey is where many organizations end their measurement efforts. Created by Dr. Donald Kirkpatrick in the 1950’s, the Kirkpatrick Model involves four levels of measuring training effectiveness. · Level 1 (Reaction): The survey you fill out at the end of a class · Level 2 (Learning): Pre- and Post-test scores · Level 3 (Behavior): Self-assessment & on the job observation · Level 4 (Results): ROI, financial and quality improvements from application of what was learned To learn more about the Kirkpatrick Model and how to apply it, visit his website at: http://kirkpatrickpartners.com/ Link of the Month
Called SlideRocket, it is a free system that lets you upload your presentations to the web, apply professional transitions and effects and present from anywhere that has internet capabilities. It provides a link you can send to anyone and they can view your presentation online, complete with slides, video, and audio. You can create a presentation from scratch on their system using professionally designed templates. They also offer a for-pay version with even more options. Check out their website at http://www.sliderocket.com 2011 Baldrige Winners Announced
The Department of Commerce recently announced four recipients of the 2011 Baldrige Award:
To read brief profiles of recipient organizations and their best practices, go to: http://www.baldrige.nist.gov/Contacts_Profiles.htm |
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